


At Student Government’s last planning meeting for ‘Stangs Stand with Parkland, along with deciding the logistics, name, and colors, Student Government was tasked with determining the focus of the event.

“We were definitely focusing on making it (the assembly) not very political, we wanted to focus on the lives that were lost and just honoring them and remembering them,” said Ashley Nita….

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Hashtag Activism

Hashtag Activism

#Marchforourlives, #Protectthesecond, #Neveragain, Moms Demand Action. These and similar hashtags have trended in recent months as movements promoting increased gun control or rights spread across social media. Mother of three, including a MHS freshman, Mrs. Sarah Buck, sought to join the movement after the Las Vegas shooting in October.

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They is here

They is here

The first day at a new school can be scary for anyone, but on his first day August Carroll, freshman, was worried about more than just finding his classes and making friends.

“I guess at the beginning of the day, I was really scared to correct any of my teachers on my name or pronouns….

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