Access and Accommodations

Access and Accommodations

When Heaven Jackson, sophomore, tore her Achilles’ heel at cheer practice Feb. 14, the adult present did not move to help or offer her a ride home because “it did not seem like she was hurt,” according to Jackson. “She basically made it look like I was exaggerating the pain or it wasn’t important because I wasn’t screaming and everything,” Jackson said.

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Olympian Swimmer

If you were watching the first heat of the women’s 100-meter freestyle  on the first day of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio you may have seen Nuna Bamatraf, now a first-year at DePauw University, swimming as the sole women’s swimmer representing Yemen.

“Being up on the block and diving in, I guess it didn’t really set in what I was doing until I could see the camera on the bottom of the pool following the track of our race,” Bamatraf said…

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At Student Government’s last planning meeting for ‘Stangs Stand with Parkland, along with deciding the logistics, name, and colors, Student Government was tasked with determining the focus of the event.

“We were definitely focusing on making it (the assembly) not very political, we wanted to focus on the lives that were lost and just honoring them and remembering them,” said Ashley Nita….

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Hashtag Activism

Hashtag Activism

#Marchforourlives, #Protectthesecond, #Neveragain, Moms Demand Action. These and similar hashtags have trended in recent months as movements promoting increased gun control or rights spread across social media. Mother of three, including a MHS freshman, Mrs. Sarah Buck, sought to join the movement after the Las Vegas shooting in October.

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